Constraint Satisfaction Problem: AI in The Puzzle

 A Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is a mathematical problem defined by a set of objects whose state must satisfy several constraints or limitations. It involves finding a solution that meets all the given constraints. These constraints are rules that specify which values are allowed for certain variables. CSPs are used to model various problems, including scheduling, planning, and resource allocation.

A Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is a mathematical problem defined by a set of objects whose state must satisfy several constraints or limitations. It involves finding a solution that meets all the given constraints.
Image: DALL-E.  An illustration of a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP), featuring interconnected nodes (representing variables) with colorful lin

For example, Imagine you have a puzzle with several pieces that need to fit together perfectly. Each piece has a specific shape and only fits in one place. This is a straightforward constraint satisfaction problem.

Types of CSP:

Discrete CSPs: Problems with variables that take values from a finite set.

Continuous CSPs: Problems with variables that take values from real-number domains.

Binary CSPs: Constraints involve only two variables.

Non-binary CSPs: Constraints involve three or more variables.

Dynamic CSPs: Problems where variables or constraints can change over time.

Soft CSPs: Violations of constraints are allowed with penalties.

Finite Domain CSPs: Variables take values from a finite set.

Infinite Domain CSPs: Variables take values from an infinite set.

Uses of CSP:

  • Scheduling: Assigning tasks to time slots without conflicts.
  • Planning: Finding sequences of actions to achieve a goal.
  • Resource Allocation: Distributing resources efficiently.
  • Design: Creating layouts that meet specific criteria.


Timetable Scheduling: Assigning classes to time slots and rooms.

Sudoku: A Sudoku puzzle is a CSP whose goal is to fill in a 9x9 grid with digits so that each row, column, and 3x3 block contains all the digits from 1 to 9.

Map Coloring: Coloring regions of a map with different colors without adjacent regions having the same color.

Job Assignment: Assigning jobs to workers such that each job is done by one worker and no worker does more than one job at a time.